Replacement radars Nijmegen Vessel Traffic Services

On behalf of Rijkswaterstaat, the executive agency of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Tidalis replaced five obsolete radar systems belonging to the VTS Nijmegen system.
The existing radar systems were already well past their technical lifespan as they had been installed at the beginning of this century. The existing systems were all replaced by a complete Terma system consisting of a Terma 18′ compact antenna system combined with a Terma 2202 Solid State radar.
Last week the latest replacement took place, which was also the most challenging installation. The antenna of this system is located under a bridge (Waalbrug). As the antenna system also had to be replaced, the platform on which the antenna is mounted also had to be replaced. This allows for proper and safe maintenance later in time. A challenging requirement from Rijkswaterstaat was that this intervention should take a maximum of one working day.
In collaboration with de Klerk Waterbouw, the complete radar system was fixed to the platform so that the removal of the old platform with radar and the installation of the new platform could take place in sequence.
Tuesday evening 14 November at 7pm, the job was finished, including the adjustment of the new radar.