Pilot Dispatch Management

Access from anywhere

Receive schedules and report your status on the go.

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Fast and accurate invoicing

Instant updates for invoicing upon completion.

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Fit for your rules and regulations

Supports the way you work, according to regulations

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Integrates well with other solutions

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Steering you in the right direction

PilotControl offers a complete enterprise management system, which is both modular and configurable to meet the unique needs of any pilotage organisation.

Purpose-built by our pilotage experts to ease the daily challenges of scheduling, operations, and financial administration. PilotControl can streamline the way you manage your pilotage operations – saving you time, raising operating efficiency and ensuring that invoices are accurate and ready to send at the press of a button. No matter how big or small your operations are, our solution can be custom configured to your exact operational requirements.

No more handwritten instructions, and no more Microsoft Excel sheets, because everything you need for your operations is at your fingertips on your computer, tablet or phone.

Easy, user-friendly data input ensures that your colleagues have immediate access to the data they need to do their job fast, safely and efficiently.

With PilotControl, your colleagues can access all essential information quickly and easily from their laptop, tablet or mobile phone, wherever they are (in the office, on board, or underway).

PilotControl takes the headache out of managing your pilot operations because all essential information is directly accessible to your dispatcher at all times. This means that each pilotage operation is planned with precision and, when required, quickly adjusted to synchronise with changes to vessel schedules or port conditions. PilotControl can be integrated with the port management system, which means your dispatcher always has up-to-the-minute information on vessel movements.

Enhancing pilot safety

Safety Observation Tool

Almost more than any other profession, being a maritime pilot has it risks. Risks that in part are avoidable if you as a pilot know what lies ahead.

As a contribution to the maritime pilot community, we have set up a free-to-use Safety Observation Tool. Through this web portal, pilots can take note of any issues that they encounter that can affect the safety of the pilot, the ship’s crew and the ship itself. The next pilot can then use this information to his or her advantage to make their job safer. If you are a maritime pilot, you can sign up here.

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The expertise we build together


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